Wednesday 22 June 2011

3 Concerns When Choosing Rabbit Hutches (other than space)

Rabbit hutches come in all shapes and sizes, but in reality it’s only the amount of floor space available to the rabbit that really counts. There’s a general rule for all sorts of rabbit hutches – the bigger the better! But aside from the size, what else should you look out for when buying rabbit hutches? Here are a few tips.

  1. The main concern with a rabbit is safety, as they are prey animals which make an attractive snack for a lot of predators! For this reason you need to choose a rabbit hutch that’s safe, secure and durable. This isn’t such a concern if the rabbit is going to be kept in an indoor cage, but the enclosure still has to be secure from other pets such as dogs or cats.
  2. If you go for an outdoor rabbit then it’s also important to make sure that the hutch is able to stand up to the harsh weather throughout the year. It’s essential for the rabbit to have an area of the cage that’s sheltered from the wind and the sun so that they can stay the right temperature no matter what the weather.
  3. If you buy a small cage then you’ll need to buy an extra run from the rabbit. This should also be secure and should come with a roof. Open top rabbit runs are exposed to predators that can climb and especially to birds of prey. There have been many cases of pet rabbits being snatched by a bird of prey while out in the garden which is why they need to be supervised at all times. Rabbits also need a lot of exercise.

Hopefully this has given you a good idea of what is required when you buy a rabbit cage. There are a lot of things to think about, but a lot of it is common sense. Start off by buying the biggest cage that can fit in the area you’re going to put it, and then check that the hutch is secure and provides enough shelter all year around.

If you really want to treat your rabbit, maybe you should go for something like in this video!

1 comment:

  1. If you always think the birds, then you must consider what type of field you need them. You must consider the size and style of his cage and that proposes to place in your home. Corner bird cages have become very popular because they place for your birds, without offering much of your room.
